
I've got a massive bucket(list)...

Now don't get me wrong, I bloody hate it when it gets to New Years day and everyone's New Year Resolutions come up and their bucket-lists are splashed everywhere, summaries on the year etc. so I'm gonna get mine out the way now.
This year has been pretty bog-standard. Had a mega poo start to the year, wasted my time on the wrong people but also met some of the best people in my life (shoutout to Meg & Labbie). Finished Uni in May and went to Amsterdam with my uni pals and I thought that was going to be the start of the best summer yet, I had Stone Roses coming up on the 15th of June with Dad, my 19th on the 25th and the whole of summer to make the most of.
Roses were incredible, up there as one of the best gigs of my life, despite Public Enemy being dog-arse. But after that, June-August it were pretty awful. I had no job, I'd finished my first year of Uni so all my friends had gone home/away for summer, England got kicked out the Euros by Iceland, I broke my toe on my Birthday, it were Gramps' Birthday the week after & the anniversary of his death and all I did for those 2 months was drink 4 days out of 7 every week for about 6 weeks. I only got to see my friends at home on weekends because they worked full time, Mom and Dad were working/on holiday in Turkey and I ended up spending 6 hours a day playing PokemonGo on my own - I were a dreg I know. Then mid-July I had an interview for a job at my favourite football club for a job in hospitality, applied just to shut Dad up because obviously I was living off nothing and going out 4 times a week and some how I bagged the job. Now I've worked there just under 3/4 months and I've already been promoted so it turns out I have a gift in selling pies - who knew ey.
Then Tember-now I got another job, clearly I'm employable?? And went back to uni which at the minute I cannot wait to see the back of because assignments and deadlines are coming out of my earholes. Stopped going out and drinking as much which you know is always good (for my livers sake anyway) despite it turning me into the biggest lightweight I know - except Labbie and Budge (sorry not sorry).
But it's 2 weeks until I finish uni for 2016 and 3 weeks until Christmas, shoot me now I haven't any money of anyone's present bar my Dad's so this will go well. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is, this years turned out pretty alright - you watch me jinx this now and it all goes tits up and I spend Christmas day being sick and crying about how much I hate my life.

Despite me being content with everything I definitely want to try and do more/get more out of life rather than having lazy days and not leaving bed until 3pm or going out all the time then having 3 day hangovers. SO the way I see it is - if I publicly post my bucket-list (like those annoying gits do on NYD) then by this time next year I can look back and see how successful/unsuccessful I've been.
Now I'm not going to be unrealistic and plan to lose 9 stone or something saft but I've always been one of those get up and go kinda people so I suppose I've gotta do what 11 year old MillyB would of and just do it.

1. Get my shoulder tattoo. Now this sounds silly to put on a bucket list because it's so bloody do-able but I just keep putting it off. I don't really understand why I'm being such a tit because I've already got my one on my ribs and I've wanted this one longer. Yet, I still haven't had it done so by this time next year Millyboo you better have those roses on your shoulder.
2. Go back to Poland. I went to Auschwitz and Krakow when I was in Year 10 with school and it was the most harrowing but enlightening trip of my life. It was so fascinating to see the camps, hear the stories and see what those poor people had to endure and live in. The reason as to why I want to go back is because now I'm older I know I'd appreciate it more and I'd pay a lot more attention to the stories we were told etc. I'll give myself a 4 year window to do this one because well I'm a student and I'm poor.
3. Get at least 25 people I know to sign up to be blood donors. Now, the reason as to why I'm putting this one on here is because my previous post had almost 400 views, so I know at least 10 of you read the whole of the last post. Blood donating is something very close to my heart and that's because a lot of my family members have relied on blood transfusions to keep them alive, holla MommaJuels & Grampy. I used to be the biggest wuss when it came to needles, I used to cry, scream and run out the room if the nurse ever mentioned the word needle but once you've done the first donation then you realise 1. it doesn't hurt 2. how easy it is to save a life thanks to that 1 needle. I've been a donor since I was 16/17 and it's so easy & so rewarding. You can save lives for literally lying on a bed for 5 minutes it is that easy. Anyway for more info on that you can message me or click here. 
4. Finish University with at least a 2:1. Now this is a biggy because it's not something I can achieve in a day. After Christmas I've really gotta push the boat out at university so that I can at least try my best to get the 2:1 I want by the end of my degree. Don't get me wrong I'd love a First but being a thick girl from Dudley you gotta be realistic, ayit.
5. Go to a music fesitval!!!!! This is a saft one cos it's easy enough to do. I love camping, I love music but every year I promise myself I'll go to a festival - and never bloody go. So Summer 2017 Milly B get yourself a ticket and a tent because you're going to one.
7. Go Inter-railing. I didn't do 11 years of Scouting and learn how to use a compass and a map to not apply it to something in my life. So by the time in 22 if I haven't gone inter-railing then I'm going for my 22nd bday, you saw it here first okay.
8. Do a sky-dive. Now this is the one I'm gonna regret posting. I bloody hate heights. I get motion sickness and can't even go on a roller-coaster but I am determined to do a sky-dive for charity by my 21st Birthday so I've given myself a year and a half to find some balls. Pops is gonna howl with laughter when he reads this because he's wanted me to do one for years. So here I am, promising you all now - by my 21st Birthday I, Amelia Grace Barnfield, will have done a sky-dive for charity. 

9. Run a half-marathon. Run being a very loose term. Nah, those who know me will know I'm as fit as a baby pig. I don't really do much exercise anymore because I'm lazy and drive everywhere (and my gym buddy Mollmoo has gone back to uni so I have no motivation lol). So by this time next year I'm going to of at lest attempted to run half a marathon. I mean I can't guarantee that I'll A. run it or B. finish the half marathon but you know I'll give it a good go - PureGym I'm coming for you.
10. Not have any secrets hidden from my loved ones. So my final one is a kinda cryptic one. All I'll say is that I'm a right stickler for bundling stuff up and keeping all my worries and stuff to myself but I really, really want to change that. I guess I get worried that I'll look weak or foolish or silly etc. so I don't bother telling people stuff. But, but Christmas 2017 I want to be able to look at my loved ones and know that there's nothing I can't tell them.

And that's me done! My 'massive' bucket-list. I'm totally gonna regret staying up writing this when I've gotta be up at 6am but here we are MillyB you never learn. Let me know what's on your bucket-list & how realistic you think mine is!

That's me done for today and probably done until after the 12th of December as I've got so many assignments to do and submit as well as working and socialising so until then,
Barry x.

You were my best friend but then you...

So I know this blog's called 'happyasbarry' so I'm supposed to try and do happy posts but this one is going to throw a spanner in the works. If you're a tear-jerker then leave now because it's gonna be sad in parts.
Sounds silly but I'm one of those people that always tries to act/be happy because I don't like bringing people down but bottling up really doesn't help, so I'm gonna let it all out now. Those of you who know me will know that I'm usually a happy, buzzed, confident kinda girl but sometimes I get sad, very, very sad. There's only one thing that won't leave my mind and it probably never will but that thing is the death of my Grampy.

Now I'm not saying I don't love my other family members because I do, my Mom, Dad & brother are like my best friends but my Granddad Ray was the apple of my eye. My oldest childhood memories are full of him as are the majority of other memories I have from when growing up and that's because he & my Nanny Mary played such an important role in my life.
When I was younger Mom and Dad both used to work full-time jobs so Gramps and Nan would pick me and Tom up from nursery/school so I'd see them 6 out of 7 days a week (Sunday's were always spent with them too) and used to spend the whole of summer with them so they became secondary parents. I always remember in the Spring we would walk to the top of the road by my primary school and I'd stand under the blossom trees and Gramps would shake the branches so I got showered in petals and just laugh and dance whilst he did too. Then we'd get home and he'd always make some crazy concoction of ice cream, chocolates and sweets and I used to have to sneakily eat it otherwise Nan would shout at him.
As a family we would go on holiday for 2 weeks every summer and safe to say, those holiday's were the best holiday's I've ever had. One holiday Granddad got food poisoning and I woke up and his lips were that swollen he looked like Angelina Jolie. There was never a dull moment with Granddad around.
But now their are dull moments, and quite a few of them. I miss when he used to get Tom's 'Action Man' stuck in the oak tree in the garden so he'd throw brooms, rakes and all-sorts up there trying to free it - which failed to work meaning he had to get on the shed roof and remove like 20 items by the end of it. I miss the times when used to throw me and catch me and then the time I knocked the clock off the wall and it cracked his head open (honestly the geez was so unlucky.) But the thing I miss the most is the happiness he brought.
My Dad and Granddad's relationship was like nothing I've ever seen. They were two peas in a pod. And I know Dad won't mind me saying this but they were best friends and they're my best friends too. Gramps always brought us happiness and it was just effortless, he just beamed of it. His contagious laugh and warm smile was like no other.
The love he and my Nan shared was admirable. They used to bicker like every couple did but we all knew neither of them meant it, they were just so in love.

The man was just a delight to have. He was so loving, compassionate and warm. He treated anyone like his own and was so selfless. He treated my Mom like a daughter he never had. He loved everyone and anyone. He was a real hard-working man, and lived a very busy and jam-packed life. Worked hard for himself and his family and he should be very proud because he is everything I want to be and more.

The reason why all this ramble is coming out now is because
1. It's something I feel like I need to say.
2. Christmas is on the way.
Now I bloody love Christmas but nobody loved it more than Granddad. Every year he would plaster the house in trimmings from tinsel to tree's to singing mice in a stocking - Granddad went all out. Every year we would watch Home Alone 1 & 2 at least 20 times during the festive period. We would know (I still know) it word for word and cry with laughter throughout the films like it was our first time watching them. We'd eat rum truffles and sing our hearts out to Boney M Mary's Boy Child whilst dancing round the kitchen. He and Dad would dress up as Santa on Christmas day for me and Tom, it was magical. But that doesn't happen anymore, because he's not here.
 Don't get me wrong, I still have a brilliant Christmas with my wonderful family, but it isn't the same. The magic has gone because Gramps has gone.
I'll never forget the day he got diagnosed with cancer, because that was the day he should of died. I don't mean that in the sense of I wanted him to die but he defied every single odd to survive that day. We/he didn't know he had cancer and his bowel burst, meaning that all the wastage in his body was in his blood stream, basically meaning he has blood poisoning and the cancer & waste was being pumped around his body. That day was April 12th 2011. The doctors told my parents to expect the worst, there was a very likely chance that he wouldn't see the day through, he lived for almost 3 years after that day. Sadly, in the end it killed him but he fought and fought through so much treatment and pain for 3 years to watch me and Tom grow into the people we are now.
This is going to sound very selfish but I wish he could of held of just a bit longer. He died on July 24th 2013. I was 16. Thankfully he lived to see me leave school & do him proud and got to see me turn 16 but there was still so much he has missed/will miss.
We always used to say that he'd teach me how to drive, he'd be there on my wedding day to see Dad give me away. He'd meet my children and be the best Great-Granddad a child could ask for, but sadly, he had to go.
It's still so raw. That might be because this is the first death I've had to experience but it was definitely one of the worst because he was so important to me. But I know he's still here, and still in my heart and mind forever but I'd do anything for one more day. One more conversation. One more laugh. But I can't have that.

I suppose the reason why I've done this blog-post is because I see a lot of things on social media of people moaning about their families or I see that people don't appreciate having their loved ones still with them and that really does upset me because I don't want them to feel the way I do now. I used to see Gramp 3/4 times a week towards the end of his life but for me I wish I'd spent more time. The last time I saw him was mine and his joint Birthday meal in July 2013, I didn't see him after that. I just want to say that I'm sorry if I've let you down Gramp. I hope I haven't and that you're always in my heart and mind. I'll never forget you and I'm eternally grateful for the memories and times we shared.
Just please, those of you who are reading this, make the most of the time you have with people, especially at Christmas.

Merry Christmas as always Gramps. (early I know).

Thank you for everything, love and miss you always.

I hope I haven't made anyone cry with this so sorry if I have, I promise the next one will be happier.

Until next time,
Barry x.

If you're happy and you know it read my blog... (or if not read it too it's about happiness)

There is nothing worse than when you're ill and over-tired on a Monday and you don't shake it off all week, which is exactly how I will feel tomorrow. After only getting 13 hours sleep across 3 nights it's safe to say I'm exhausted but that doesn't mean I can use that as an excuse for not doing my posts, which I did last week, oops sorry my effort is poor I know. This week I've been up and down more than a fireman on a pole, I've been crying, I've been laughing, I've been stressed out to hell but you've gotta remember to smile at the end of it/when you know you've got a night-out coming up (Liverpool next weekend, eeee!!)

But even when you know you're gonna be spending the week sitting in doing uni work or you're working all weekend you need to remember how important happiness is. We all have days that have us pulling our hair out, especially me. I mean this weekend I worked almost 18 hours in two days whilst trying to juggle seeing family, friends and doing my boat load of uni work, the uni work I should really be doing now but here we are, whoops. However, I spent the day surrounded by 3 of my best friends so my lazy day was spent well. 

Anyway, what I'm waffling myself onto is how I keep myself happy/how you can keep yourself happy. I'm a strong believer in if you get knocked down, get straight back up but if you're a lazy git like me getting up off the floor is a task and requires a table/chair's support to help you get back on your feet so let me be your table/chair/helping hand. I'm not too sure why I try and do all these happy, positive posts like I'm Vanessa Feltz because my life is as messy as me on a Saturday night after a bottle of Southern Comfort and 4 Sambuca's but here we are, I'll give it a good go.

1. Dance. I said this in my post the other week but dancing is the best remedy going I'm telling you now. Even if it's a little boogie when you're making your mom (it's mom not mum before you start) a cuppa (which I rarely do so sorry Juels, you love me deep down) or if your favourite song comes on when you're in the car, having a sing and a dance will always help lift the mood. I mean all I've gotta do is put Sorry on by Béyonce and I'm off thinking I'm the queen B herself. I mean I know I am basically her double but you know. Just if you're reading this now, wondering why you're bothering in reading my waffle or if you're in a rubbish mood then take a little 4 minute break, slap H'TWO'O 'What's It Gonna Be' on and I can tell you now you'll be sweet as a nut and if you're not then sorry, I can't help you so you may as well leave now. 

2. Cut the negativity out of your life. Sometimes the thought of losing someone you love/care for makes you feel sick so you'll stand by them no matter what. But sometimes you need to stand back and look at both pros and cons that come from the relationship with the person and if they make you more unhappy than they do happy then you need to let them go. Brutal as it is but you don't need your friends to be stressing you out as well as everything else. Friends, family, partners etc. are supposed to be there to support you, help you, shout at you when you've been an absolute melt (like me 99% of the time so s/o to Possum, Twenty-Blue, DJBJ, Cocktail Queen, Pineapple Klopp & everyone else for tolerating my absolute mares) and if they don't then listen to me & my Queen Béyonce... 

Now, as all my friends will know, I am the worse for moping around when I'm upset. I will either 
a. Cry. 
b. Get drunk.
c. Argue with everyone, especially my poor mother, I love you Julieboo.
d. Sleep
So safe to say I never really resolve my issues, I just try and step around them like they're a little puddle in the road when really they're like that puddle in Vicar of Dibley, 3.2.1, gif.

I don't think I've ever seen something that represents my life so accurately and if you know me well, you can vouch for me too. Anyway, I suppose I'm trying to say, don't be like me. I'm gonna try and listen to my own advice too so if I can do it, so can you. Just don't be afraid of being wrong. We all make mistakes, whether it be something little like you know, accidentally forgetting your skirt and walking all the way to school with just your tights on or something major like, oh I don't know, driving the wrong way down a dual-carraigeway - whatever it is, it won't kill you (as long as nobody dies) so stop worrying. So, if you're doing a 2,500 word essay right now and you're only on 650 words, Pineapple Klopp you got this boo, then stop worrying - this will not help you. As a wise old man told me (it was a coke-head called Steve that I met in Player's but sh that doesn't help create the image I was after) “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” and safe to say, coke-head Steve is right. It only makes things worse. So stop worrying, pull your socks up, get a cup of tea and deal with it. 

4. Go and get some space.
Where I live isn't the best place in the world but big up to the big BC for providing me with both a mix of urban and sweet countryside. When I'm upset/stressed/down/angry the thing that always sorts me out is going on a walk. Even if it's a 10 minute walk around your estate or and hour round your local park. If you're feeling frustrated then I beg you, put half and hour aside, leave your phone at home/turn airplane mode on and listen to your favourite song and just walk. The fresh air will help ease your mind and clear your head so that when you return to your work/argument/assignment - whatever it is - you'll have a clear and sensible resolution because you've taken the time to pause and think logically. 

5. Think of other people.
If you're like me, when something goes wrong, you'll use the line "shoot me now" or "I'm just gonna kill myself" etc. etc. all because you know someone pulled out on you in a junction or when that one person you hate walks into the room and is so far up your arsehole you feel like you're giving birth and you just wanna knock them out. The issue with this is, we as a generation/nation are the biggest drama queens to ever bless the Earth. The problems of a third-world country actually make us a joke. Imagine being homeless, you have no family, no friends and you're lucky if you're gonna find a door-way to sleep in tonight - that's when you should be contemplating taking your own life - not when McDonald's McFlurry machine has broken. I suppose the point I'm trying to get to is just, be grateful. I'm not saying let's laugh in the face of those who are really suffering but I suppose I just think we need to realise, not all is bad. If someone cuts you up so you have to emergency stop, peak for you but maybe if you weren't such an ass and just let them out then you wouldn't be having to slam your breaks on 'ey. I understand we all have bad days and stuff gets too much but I can promise you now - there is someone a lot more worse off than you so if they can get through their poor lives then so can you. 

I think the whole reason why I've written this is because they're a lot of people in my life at the moment who are down/stressed/worried/upset and I just want them to know that it's all going to be grand. You're beautiful people and your life is in your hands so don't waste it. Don't go to sleep and think 'tomorrow is going to be as bad as today" because it is that kind of mental attitude that will get you trapped in the vicious cycle of unhappiness, something which hopefully I've managed to shake you out of. If I haven't then sincere apologies but I gave it a good go. 
I mean I always try to pick people up when they're down because I expect people to do the same for me. I say always, that's a little white lie. Just gonna say massive apology to the guy whose car-park space I stole 4 weeks ago and laughed at whilst saying "It's a dog eat dog world fam, if you can't win cheat." so I'm sorry for making your day worse but like I said in point three, everyone makes mistakes. 

So I hope this little (massive) post has helped cheer you up a bit, those who made it this far anyway and wish you all the love and a delightful week. Not going to lie, I'm probably going to miss next week's post/post on the wrong day due to the fact that this weekend I intend to get completely obliterated in Liverpool so apologies in advance. (I'M SO EXCITED I CANNOT WAIT.)


Until next time. 
Barry x. 


Blanket, Selection Box and Films

So I said last week that this week I'd do a fashion post. Guess what? I can't be arsed to take the photos for it, sorry not sorry. So instead I'm doing a post on films, complete opposite of what I'd originally planned but here we go.
Reason as to why I've taken a detour down this avenue is because now that winter is just round the corner it can only mean one thing, movie nights. Now this might make me sound like a boring git, but those who know me well will know that I'm the opposite of boring, but I absolutely love film nights.
Snuggled up on the settee with a blanket and the infamous selection boxes that make their reappearances at this time of year with a cracking film on really is a great way to spend these winter nights, or you could go to the pub (which I would always do but sh.)
Despite this post being a film post it's not gonna be just of one those 'My Top 20 films of all time!!!!' posts because frankly I find them very boring to read, they're too descriptive and most of them ruin the plots.
My post is going to just be a few suggestions of my film choices and a summary of the film/why you should watch it in a sentence. Not sure if this will go to plan but here we go:

1. Snatch.
Brad Pitt's second best film in my opinion after Fight Club, a Guy Richie masterpiece. Boxing, betting, diamonds and pikeys, what more could you ask for from an action film?

2. The Great Gatsby.
Baz Luhrmann's adaptation on the novel by Scott F. Fitzgerald captures every single element of the book beautifully down to a T. The strong cast of DiCaprio, Isla Fisher, Tobey Maguire ensures that there are no faults with the film due to the unreal special effects, song choices and graphics used in the main scenes. (You'll need tissues)

3. Green Street.
If football and hooliganism are your cup of tea then slap this film on now. Elijah Wood's character growth and transformation throughout the film is remarkable, the film has the right balance between comedy and realism and really does signify how honesty, unity and loyalty changes people's lives.

4. Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
One of the biggest films to come out of the 80s. Shows the struggle of teenage life when you're a rebel and how you'll get found out but they're so many moments that leave me in stitches every single time.

5. Sister Act.
Singing nuns & men with guns. What more could you need in a film?

6. The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Saddest film I've ever seen in my life. Logan Lerman and Emma Watson both take on such different and challenging characters throughout the film, the storyline has many twists and turns and will leave you in tears.

7. This is England.
Young lad, lost soul, wrong crowd, wrong mentality. Shows how lost vulnerable people can get. One of the best British films of all time in my eyes.

8. Ghostbusters (2016 remake).
Now I hate re-makes of films but christ, funniest film I've seen all year. Kirsten Wigg, Melissa McCartney and Chris Hemsworth are comedy gold, just watch it I beg you.

9. Good Will Hunting.
Matt Damon and the beloved Robin Williams show how you shouldn't judge and book by it's cover and that people can change with the right help and everyone has potential.

10. Inglorious Bas*ards.
It's all about the German invasion of France and how Brad Pitt rallies up troops to defeat them. It's better than I've made it sound I swear.

So there you have it, my top 10 film suggestions for this winter. I can't promise you that you'll enjoy them but if you have good taste like me then you will. If you've got any ideas/thoughts on my choices then let me know.

Until next time,
Barry x.


Inside my sanity.

So I lasted 2 weeks at blogging and completely skipped last week's post, oops. But given, I had a hectic week.
I started my new job last Friday so that's going to be my excuse for not posting so let's just roll with that ey.

Since my last post 2 weeks ago I've been all over the place. There's been tears, tantrums, tiffs, many bottles of Southern Comfort and Malibu, a lot of laughter and equally the same amount of stress so it's safe to say I haven't stopped. I genuinely can't tell you what happened yesterday because every day blends into one, I am that tired.

But, this morning I have realised that sometimes you need to sit down and remember/do the little things in life because they help keep you sane. So this is my little 10 things I do/remember to keep me sane.

1. Clean my room. If any of you could see the state of my bedroom now you'd honestly think that it was a homeless persons bedsit, it is horrific. But because I stop at my friends flats some nights I just run in my room, throw all my stuff on the floor and run off to uni/work so piles of clothes just mount up everywhere. So today/over the weekend I'm going to clean my room. I find it so therapeutic when I know where everything is but at the minute, that isn't the case.

2. Dance. I don't mean professional tap dancing. I mean, dad dancing/dancing in the kitchen dancing to Depeche Mode or P!NK, proper cheesy/dramatic songs that I can get lost in. I dance in my car all the time, terribly I may add, but as research says dancing releases endorphins which means it makes us happier - hence why I'm a bundle of joy...
3. Make time for family. Family are so important to me, I've always been a home-bird at heart and lately I just haven't found the time to just sit down and talk to them, even if I do I have been at home I've had my earphones in whilst I do uni work. Ideally, over the weekend/the start of next week I'll be able to sit down with them and just have a night in or something.
4. For every bad day there's a week of good days. I saw this quote the other day that said something along the lines of "If you had £86,400 and someone took £400, you wouldn't just throw the other £86,000 away. So if someone ruins 40 seconds of your day, don't throw the rest of the day away." I find quotes like this so important because I'm a right drama queen when it comes to arguments/getting upset. I throw all my toys out the pram and out the house too, I just let it get to me and ruin my mood/day but little things like this put things into perspective.

5.Treat yo'self!!!! Now this is something me and my friends say as an inside joke but it actually does help keep you sane. Say if you've submitted your work before the deadline or you've beat your PB at the gym etc. then treat yo'self. Even if it's only a nice bubble bath and a glass of wine, or you buy those shoes you've wanted or book yourself a holiday, whatever it is, if you've got the money and the time then treat yo'self.
6. "Some friends come into your life for a reason, others come only for a season." not a clue what it is with me and quotes however this one hits the nail on the head. People enter your life and leave all the time, it's just one of those things. But one thing we need to remember is that you can't stop someone from leaving. If they don't want to be in your life, they won't stay in your life so don't waste your time/effort on people who don't need it. You will have the best people and the only people you need, you don't need those who don't want to stay.
7. It's okay to make mistakes. I am a stickler for beating myself up and if I ever do something to upset/hurt someone I feel bloody awful. I hate letting people down, I honestly think I'd rather wear an Aston Villa shirt than let someone down. I hate the thought of someone in need and I let them down but I've realised, you do make mistakes. It's how you deal with them that's important so don't do what I do and guilt-rid yourself to the bottom of a tub of Ben n Jerries.
8. Reminiscing makes everything better. If you're down/just bored, remembering all the good times you've had really will help boost your mood. For me nothing is better than looking at photos. My room is plastered in photo boards, walls, frames etc. and I rarely look at them because I just get into bed and sleep but sitting here writing this I really do know how many delightful people I have in my life so big S/O to you all for being darlings.

9. Autumn & winter are coming up and they are the best seasons, there's no debate to be had at all. Don't get me wrong, I love summer and all the freedom and endless possibilities etc. but in my eyes there's nothing better than wearing baggy jumpers and comfy boots, on a night sitting by the fire watching a film with a hot chocolate. Or even going to a football game with your old man and freezing your t*ts off with a bovril and a steak n kidney pie in hand. There's such a warmth that comes with autumn/winter, especially Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas etc. and frankly the thought of all those things really does put me in a great mood. The food is also a bonus (cue Kevin McCallister.)
10. There's always someone worse off. People are dying, people re starving, people are being murdered. Right now. And here we are in our happy third world bubble thinking it's an issue that Marmite isn't going to be sold in Tesco anymore. We need to open our eyes and grow up.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, nothing is as bad as it seems and you need to remember the important things and the bigger picture. You also need to realise that little things mean a lot and sometimes you need to stop and look around and appreciate what you have. Yeah you have things that you hate e.g. you're stressed because of your job or you didn't get tickets for Drake etc. but there's a lot more good than there is bad so just smile and appreciate the life you lead because there's always someone worse off.

Next week I'll be doing a fashion piece again so I hope you look forward to it.

Until next time,
Barry x.


For the love of Culottes

It's been a week since my first post and frankly I'm as surprised as you all are that I've actually kept my word. Reason as to why I say this is because I have had the busiest week e v e r. I started my second year at university on Monday and safe to say I'm going to be sinking like the titanic if I don't keep on top of all the work I've been given.
But despite this, I'm still going to try and do a post every week. But if restarting university wasn't enough, it turns out that I have got a brand new job! I applied for the job and was interviewed weeks ago but I didn't hear anything so I assumed I'd been unsuccessful (as always) however, I got a text Thursday morning and I start next week!


As I said in my last post, this week I want to share with you my favourite A/W wardrobe essential. If you haven't guessed by the title, my wardrobe essentials are culottes. Culottes have been around for years and you can get a vast variety of different styles, colours, prints etc. but generally culottes are loose fitted, cropped trousers which resemble a skirt like shape. They can be worn with pretty much anything and are extremely comfortable, from my experience anyway. I have secretly admired culottes for the duration of the summer but I didn't think they'd suit me so I never bothered to purchase a pair, until now.
Last Thursday there was a 'Zoo Party' fresher's event up town so like most girls would I opted for a leopard. So there I am running around the shopping centre trying to find a top, a dress, anything that I can so that I can go to this event as a leopard. After a frantic panic I remember that I'd seen some leopard print culottes in Topshop so off I went, safe to say - as soon as I tried them on I knew I'd missed out on having a pair in my life, especially these ones. The sheer fabric makes them so comfortable and it's so easy to wear them with a black top and heels then you're set to go.
The great thing about culottes is how versatile they are and the effortless transition from casual to smart is. These culottes come in at £34 from Topshop (they call them cropped trousers but in my eyes they are culottes so hush.) I'm one of those girls that doesn't buy an item of clothing if I couldn't wear it to the shops because frankly I'm a tight arse that likes to get her moneys-worth so sorry to disappoint but I'll never purchase a bright lime green mini-skirt because frankly I'd feel like I may as well of paid £35 for an incense stick because that would probably have a longer use. Yet, culottes are something I now wear, anywhere at anytime with anything. Adidas sweat, Dr Martens and my shoulder/bumbag them I'm off for the day and I've never felt more comfortable. 
After realising, I need more culottes, I ordered 2 more pairs from Boohoo because there really isn't anything more comfortable and versatile. 
These black and white/grey checkered print culottes do remind me of those PE shorts you used to wear at primary school when you were nine but surprisingly I love them. They're more masculine than my other 2 pairs as they aren't sheer/silky material and they are a lot shorter however you are able to dress them up/down as easily as the other pairs. A loose black blouse or even a bodysuit alongside a pair of black heels are all you need to turn these from over-sized running shorts to a suit-kinda style. In reverse, a turtleneck and Dr Martens or even a t-shirt and trainers would make the culottes suitable for a trip to the pub, a day at college, visiting your nan, whatever. They work. 

My final pair are my favourite pair because, well, just look at them. They're baby pink (my second favourite colour) and look so summery and bright, which is perfect for brightening a dark day in the miserable winters that we have here in Britain. As they're this colour it means that you can pair them with most colours whether it be black, white, grey, purple, blue they would still look wonderful. I find that these ones are the most versatile as the material, length and colour is the smartest out of my wonderful collection.  

If you're still reading this I really do applaud you. I bet you're also wondering why I love culottes so much. The reason as to why is because the one area of my body that I h a t e is my belly as I'm constantly bloated and look 4 months pregnant (don't scream Mom I'm joking, I'm not pregnant) so I try to hide this constantly. Without a doubt I can say that culottes hide my bloated-ness so well, because they're a baggy material it hangs/sits on all the right places e.g. your bum and just flows around all the other places (my pot-belly) and hides everything I hate. 

So seriously, they're such a worthy investment and I would say every girl needs to own at least 1 pair. I'm going to shut up now because I doubt anyone still reading but if you are: let me know your opinions on culottes & if you own any etc. Not a clue what next week's post will be about but I'm sure you can't wait for it already (I joke.) 

Have a delightful week! Also, if you're free on Thursday from 12-2pm listen to me and Beth on here because it's our first radio show together and it'll be grand. 
Until next time, if I haven't bored you to death, 
Barry x. 



Everything in life has a purpose, (supposedly, yet I still don't understand the purpose of a semi-colon to this day but hey ho) and I'm just doing this post to tell you why I've started blogging (again).

Being a 19 year old, needy, hormonal git I moan quite a lot. Well quite frankly, every other sentence that leaves my mouth is a whiny one so I kinda need a distraction that will stop me moaning for more than 30 seconds. I'm not a misery guts don't worry, in fact I'm quite the opposite. But sadly, on the days that I wake up and realise I've overslept or I skipped the gym etc. I get quite cranky and grumpy before I've even left the house which doesn't put me in good stead for the long day ahead. This is bad news for everyone who comes into contact with me. Also, being a media student I kind of need to get some practice in writing. I'm from Dudley so the use of SE is rare, so this will improve my illiteracy. Personally, I don't see myself as illiterate but E V E R Y B O D Y I know always picks me up on my accent & especially the dialect I use (t'ay mar fault you'm all saft) so I may as well prove to them that I am capable of writing correctly.

Even though in those 2 opening paragraphs I do come across as a grumbler but I swear I'm not. I've called my blog 'Happy as Barry' for a few reasons, sadly being a boxer isn't one of them (look it up). Frankly, I just really like the saying and the connotations that come with it and I really do want to use this blog to share my positive ideas, thoughts, experiences etc. Secondly, it's a play on words from the quote because my friend's all call me Barry (please don't ask). And finally, I just think it works well so yeah? Welcome to Happy as Barry.

I'd like to tell you all that my hobbies are horse-riding, composing music and that I volunteer at the care home down the road but that would be a lie. The only thing that I'm really passionate about is music and even then I only care about listening to it. Yet I adore going to gigs. In my eyes there really isn't anything better than standing in a room/field/stadium, with a can in hand with your mates and thousands of strangers whilst getting lost in the music for an hour and a half. Well, tell a lie, I say I only listen to music... I also present my own radio show with my friend Beth on our university radio station, which is kinda cool? I absolutely love being on the radio, alongside blogging it's my kind of escape from everything that I don't want to deal with like the stresses of university, work, a hectic social life and so forth so for those two hours I get to:
1. Ramble with my best friend.
2. Play some decent music.
3. Be listened to!! Nobody ever listens to me in conversation, despite how loud I scream and how much I stamp my feet, so it's a nice feeling to feel listened to.
I mean I can't promise you that I'm any good on the radio, you'll have to be the judge of that yourselves but we are definitely worthy of a listen as we will provide you with some giggles.

In addition to rambling on the radio and going to gigs I also love fashion, purely because mine is bizarre and terrible yet I'm somehow able to pull the outfits off. Everyday clothing will be a mismatch of everything and anything because, why not ey? However, I do tame myself for nights up town, tame being a loose term.

I've lost myself here, the post was intended to describe the purpose of the blog and I still haven't done that, oopsy. I'll be posting a variety of fashion posts, music reviews, ramblings from my life and even some updates on where I'm at. I intend to do a post every Friday morning and I promise I'll try and keep my word.

Next week's post will be a post about my favourite A/W statement piece that I own so I can't wait to share that with you all but for now I'm going to have a relaxed weekend before I start back at university on Monday. My sincerest apologies if this is terrible and boring but I suppose that's your fault for reading this waffly piece. I'll leave you with a few photos from Fresher's week that I think show me in my element??

Until next time, Barry x.

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