
If you're happy and you know it read my blog... (or if not read it too it's about happiness)

There is nothing worse than when you're ill and over-tired on a Monday and you don't shake it off all week, which is exactly how I will feel tomorrow. After only getting 13 hours sleep across 3 nights it's safe to say I'm exhausted but that doesn't mean I can use that as an excuse for not doing my posts, which I did last week, oops sorry my effort is poor I know. This week I've been up and down more than a fireman on a pole, I've been crying, I've been laughing, I've been stressed out to hell but you've gotta remember to smile at the end of it/when you know you've got a night-out coming up (Liverpool next weekend, eeee!!)

But even when you know you're gonna be spending the week sitting in doing uni work or you're working all weekend you need to remember how important happiness is. We all have days that have us pulling our hair out, especially me. I mean this weekend I worked almost 18 hours in two days whilst trying to juggle seeing family, friends and doing my boat load of uni work, the uni work I should really be doing now but here we are, whoops. However, I spent the day surrounded by 3 of my best friends so my lazy day was spent well. 

Anyway, what I'm waffling myself onto is how I keep myself happy/how you can keep yourself happy. I'm a strong believer in if you get knocked down, get straight back up but if you're a lazy git like me getting up off the floor is a task and requires a table/chair's support to help you get back on your feet so let me be your table/chair/helping hand. I'm not too sure why I try and do all these happy, positive posts like I'm Vanessa Feltz because my life is as messy as me on a Saturday night after a bottle of Southern Comfort and 4 Sambuca's but here we are, I'll give it a good go.

1. Dance. I said this in my post the other week but dancing is the best remedy going I'm telling you now. Even if it's a little boogie when you're making your mom (it's mom not mum before you start) a cuppa (which I rarely do so sorry Juels, you love me deep down) or if your favourite song comes on when you're in the car, having a sing and a dance will always help lift the mood. I mean all I've gotta do is put Sorry on by Béyonce and I'm off thinking I'm the queen B herself. I mean I know I am basically her double but you know. Just if you're reading this now, wondering why you're bothering in reading my waffle or if you're in a rubbish mood then take a little 4 minute break, slap H'TWO'O 'What's It Gonna Be' on and I can tell you now you'll be sweet as a nut and if you're not then sorry, I can't help you so you may as well leave now. 

2. Cut the negativity out of your life. Sometimes the thought of losing someone you love/care for makes you feel sick so you'll stand by them no matter what. But sometimes you need to stand back and look at both pros and cons that come from the relationship with the person and if they make you more unhappy than they do happy then you need to let them go. Brutal as it is but you don't need your friends to be stressing you out as well as everything else. Friends, family, partners etc. are supposed to be there to support you, help you, shout at you when you've been an absolute melt (like me 99% of the time so s/o to Possum, Twenty-Blue, DJBJ, Cocktail Queen, Pineapple Klopp & everyone else for tolerating my absolute mares) and if they don't then listen to me & my Queen Béyonce... 

Now, as all my friends will know, I am the worse for moping around when I'm upset. I will either 
a. Cry. 
b. Get drunk.
c. Argue with everyone, especially my poor mother, I love you Julieboo.
d. Sleep
So safe to say I never really resolve my issues, I just try and step around them like they're a little puddle in the road when really they're like that puddle in Vicar of Dibley, 3.2.1, gif.

I don't think I've ever seen something that represents my life so accurately and if you know me well, you can vouch for me too. Anyway, I suppose I'm trying to say, don't be like me. I'm gonna try and listen to my own advice too so if I can do it, so can you. Just don't be afraid of being wrong. We all make mistakes, whether it be something little like you know, accidentally forgetting your skirt and walking all the way to school with just your tights on or something major like, oh I don't know, driving the wrong way down a dual-carraigeway - whatever it is, it won't kill you (as long as nobody dies) so stop worrying. So, if you're doing a 2,500 word essay right now and you're only on 650 words, Pineapple Klopp you got this boo, then stop worrying - this will not help you. As a wise old man told me (it was a coke-head called Steve that I met in Player's but sh that doesn't help create the image I was after) “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” and safe to say, coke-head Steve is right. It only makes things worse. So stop worrying, pull your socks up, get a cup of tea and deal with it. 

4. Go and get some space.
Where I live isn't the best place in the world but big up to the big BC for providing me with both a mix of urban and sweet countryside. When I'm upset/stressed/down/angry the thing that always sorts me out is going on a walk. Even if it's a 10 minute walk around your estate or and hour round your local park. If you're feeling frustrated then I beg you, put half and hour aside, leave your phone at home/turn airplane mode on and listen to your favourite song and just walk. The fresh air will help ease your mind and clear your head so that when you return to your work/argument/assignment - whatever it is - you'll have a clear and sensible resolution because you've taken the time to pause and think logically. 

5. Think of other people.
If you're like me, when something goes wrong, you'll use the line "shoot me now" or "I'm just gonna kill myself" etc. etc. all because you know someone pulled out on you in a junction or when that one person you hate walks into the room and is so far up your arsehole you feel like you're giving birth and you just wanna knock them out. The issue with this is, we as a generation/nation are the biggest drama queens to ever bless the Earth. The problems of a third-world country actually make us a joke. Imagine being homeless, you have no family, no friends and you're lucky if you're gonna find a door-way to sleep in tonight - that's when you should be contemplating taking your own life - not when McDonald's McFlurry machine has broken. I suppose the point I'm trying to get to is just, be grateful. I'm not saying let's laugh in the face of those who are really suffering but I suppose I just think we need to realise, not all is bad. If someone cuts you up so you have to emergency stop, peak for you but maybe if you weren't such an ass and just let them out then you wouldn't be having to slam your breaks on 'ey. I understand we all have bad days and stuff gets too much but I can promise you now - there is someone a lot more worse off than you so if they can get through their poor lives then so can you. 

I think the whole reason why I've written this is because they're a lot of people in my life at the moment who are down/stressed/worried/upset and I just want them to know that it's all going to be grand. You're beautiful people and your life is in your hands so don't waste it. Don't go to sleep and think 'tomorrow is going to be as bad as today" because it is that kind of mental attitude that will get you trapped in the vicious cycle of unhappiness, something which hopefully I've managed to shake you out of. If I haven't then sincere apologies but I gave it a good go. 
I mean I always try to pick people up when they're down because I expect people to do the same for me. I say always, that's a little white lie. Just gonna say massive apology to the guy whose car-park space I stole 4 weeks ago and laughed at whilst saying "It's a dog eat dog world fam, if you can't win cheat." so I'm sorry for making your day worse but like I said in point three, everyone makes mistakes. 

So I hope this little (massive) post has helped cheer you up a bit, those who made it this far anyway and wish you all the love and a delightful week. Not going to lie, I'm probably going to miss next week's post/post on the wrong day due to the fact that this weekend I intend to get completely obliterated in Liverpool so apologies in advance. (I'M SO EXCITED I CANNOT WAIT.)


Until next time. 
Barry x. 

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