
young dumb n broke

So it's been 6 week since my last post which means it's been 10 weeks since I had my meltdown. Since then  so much has changed in my life and I'm still trying to figure out whether some is for the better or worse...

I'm back at university, third year and all and safe to say I hate it, but I'm slowing plodding along. I've got a month and two days to create a magazine and write 3,000 words for my journalism module - eyyyyyy. After Christmas I will feel a lot more at ease as I'll have less assignments due etc. but anyway that's not what you're here to nose about.
I've cut my hours down at work whilst back at uni which has helped in the sense of being able to study and stuff but a bit pants for me as I'm skint. I'm so used to earning £180-£200 a week and now it's like £45 a week but I love my job more than ever so I can't really moan. It's just hard because Christmas is 19 days away, I've gotta finish sorting my boyfriend's present and try and sort a lil present for the rest of the family but here I am flogging 17 DVDs and 4 box-sets for the sake of £20.

I miss being able to work 40 hours a week, I miss not having to have to do university assignments and I miss having uni deadlines before Xmas. I know for a fact that even though I break up for Christmas from university tomorrow I ain't gonna stop over Christmas because I've picked up shifts at work and have so many different assignments to do, I'm going to be eating my Christmas dinner whilst planning my next layout for my magazine.

ANYWAY, so I've kinda addressed how I'm broke...

Let's address how I'm dumb. I settle for bare shit off people that I shouldn't have to. I've got friends who only speak to me once a month even though I see them a couple times a week. I've got good friends don't get me wrong, GR8K8 & Trash are ma HUNS!! yes we have our bickers n disagreements but these two will always tell me what's what so thanks B's.

Let's start with Trashy Ashy - the biggest nail I've ever met. Ash is that girl that you'll tell her not to do something - SO SHE WILL DEFINITELY DO IT, even if I told her not to jump off a bridge, just cos I told her not to do it - she would.
But my Trashy gyal needs to just remember how much of a queen she is n how much of a beaut she is. She also needs to listen to me more cos she's the most stubborn git I've ever met. LISTEN MORE TO YOUR PALS N NOT TO ASSHOLES!!!!

GR8K8 is also a hun!!! Firstly, Kate is demanding a shoutout to Nanny Marg and Bossman n the endless English brekkies we have before we take Bossman on PARKOUR!!!! K8Y KAK is a complete darl, she gives people the biggest carrots ever and will be that friend that spends more than her life savings on make-up just to ensure she looks flames. She is also the best twerker ever. She will also allow you to reminisce on your childhood with videos such as the Bear n The Lion...

Both of them really are the best listeners and pals I've had in a long time just because they're so honest n truthful n that is what I need cos I can be a pain in the ass 90% of the time.


Me being young. Being young is a weird thing to talk about but I think it's the hardest thing I struggle with lmao. Me and Trash and Kate are all the same age but me n Kate chose uni whereas Ash chose to work. It kills me when Ash gets paid bare money a month and I just about get £300 a month now cos I've had to drop my hours.

My biggest regret in life is going to uni. Purely because I hate how skint I am. I know I could get a mega good job at the end of it but it's such a struggle and I'm so shit at this uni life like idk even if I'm gonna pass this year.

Despite all my negativity I really am super lucky to have such an amazing family and friends by my side. And also, my fave human ever...

George is my absolute rock. He will settle for my shitty rants, my low-self esteem and me forever saying I don't deserve him. I will moan to him 75% of the time about bare different problems that haven't even got anything to do with him. I owe him my life, my heart and loyalty because this past year he has kept me sane. I can't wait till I finish university so I can actually devote time to him and my pals and family.

So despite being young, dumb and broke I'm still happy and blessed and in love with my life. 

My next post will be my 2017 summary. 
Until next time, Barry. x

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